January 14
Da Motus ,...con tatto‘ Trailer
P-Braga, opening day European Youth Capital 2012
February 1-5
öff öff productions ,Le vent nous portera...‘ Link Trailer
CH-Bern, Dampfzentrale, Heimspiel
March 29
öff öff productions ,danse autour de...‘ Trailer
BD-Dhaka, Bangladesh - CANCELLED
May 11
öff öff productions
CH-Bern, Facade Progr
Tanzparcours, Tanzfest Bern; 16:30 & 18:30 Trailer
June 2-3
Da Motus ,...con tatto‘
RO-Sibiu, Sibiu International Theatre Festival
July 10
Elisa Kaufmann, student fashion/design, presentation film & collection
CH-Basel, Galery Projektraum M54
July 13-14
Da Motus ,...con tatto‘
GB-London, Festival Watch This Space
July 20-23
Da Motus ,...con tatto‘
D-Munich, Tollwood Festival
August 23-25
Königsfelder Festspiel ,Enterprise Paradise‘ Teaser
CH-Windisch, Kloster Königsfelden
August 29
excerpt from Königsfelder Festspiel ,Enterprise Paradise‘, for guests only
CH-Windisch, Kloster Königsfelden
August 30-31
Königsfelder Festspiel ,Enterprise Paradise‘
CH-Windisch, Kloster Königsfelden
September 1-2; 5-8, 12-15
Königsfelder Festspiel ,Enterprise Paradise‘
CH-Windisch, Kloster Königsfelden
September 22
Da Motus ,...con tatto‘
NL-Almelo, KUNSTen op Straat
October 9
Let‘s dance, organ-dance-concert with Suzanne Z‘Graggen
CH-Olten, St. Martin Kirche, 20:00
Solothurner Kirchenmusikwoche 2012
November 7
Da Motus site specific performance Trailer
CH-Fribourg, groupe E
November 9
,Die Orgel Tanzt!‘ Organ-Dance-Concert with Suzanne Z‘Graggen
CH-Zürich, Kirche Bruder Klaus, 19:30
November 16
Event öff öff productions
CH-Thun, Expo